In case you aren’t privy to the history, Boldt castle is located on Heart Island in eye shot of Alexandria Bay on the St. Lawrence River. It was purchased by George Boldt, America’s first hotel mogul in the late 19th Century – he was proprietor of the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, eat your heart out Hilton’s. In 1900 he began construction on, what is now recognized as, Boldt Castle, an elaborate birthday gift for his wife. This all came to an abrupt halt in 1904 after Louise Kehrer Boldt died. I don’t know Dale, getting married on Heart Island in George Boldt’s shadow may tend to augment your short comings? Or, maybe Debbie has a six story castle in her near future? This extremely romantic venture was not without its colorful touches: Zane, Debbie’s son, pointed out to me that the scores of the Syracuse game were announced intermittently over the P.A. throughout the island, “what’s with that?” Another Zaneservation (Zane/observation) was the cheeriest customs guard of all time “you go Office Cousineau.” Congrats you two, and thanks for a beautiful day.