Zurichian's Kelly and Cam aren't your run-of-the-mill bride and groom. Where we North American's plan and hope for a magnificently sunny wedding day, Kelly and Cam had resigned themselves, well in advance, to an inclement day. With a ceremony scheduled for five O'clock in September (perfect light) the prospect of being indoors teetered on frustrating for me – photographers rarely get this opportunity. One should never question the Swiss in matters concerning anything cyclical, weather or otherwise (watchmakers). Sure enough, rain, wind, and unseasonably low temperatures ensued, but nothing was going to frustrate the beauty and romance of this day. The Gananoque Inn, run by Noni Keilty (Kelly's Aunt), was impeccably decorated, the dinning room provided an elegant ambiance, and the reception hall houses an exceptional crystal chandelier. Congrats Norman & Slade, another successful adventure for the books.