At the end of October Lucas and I (along with our friends Dave & Steve) were fortunate enough to get to visit New York City! It was our first time there, and did we ever have an amazing time! We absolutely loved it, so much so that we have decided to take another trip just before Christmas. How beautiful will that be? Christmas in New York City- I'm a lucky girl!
We also had the pleasure of seeing another Ryan Adams concert on Halloween night! It was incredible! I think I had more fun at this concert than the one in Montreal, but it could have been the excitement of being in New York City. As well, we were fortunate enough to be literally ten feet from the stage. It was fantastic!
Here is a slide show of our adventures in the Big Apple. The photos were taken with my sister's point and shoot camera, so don't judge our photographic skills based upon these images!

John Lennon memorial at Stawberry Fields in Central Park.

Union Square

Ryan Adams at the Hammerstein Ballroom

I just love this image!